mental health - low mood surveyLow Mood Improvement for Thalidomide Survivors - Final Report

L Newbronner, D Bailey, R Wadman


Following the Mood Survey it was identified that interventions were required to support beneficiaries with mild to moderate depressions and anxiety. The Trust looked at work carried out by the University of York Mental Health and Addictions Research Group; using a six session Behavioural Activation programme to address sub-clinical depression and anxiety in older people.

From this the Trust were keen to test whether a similar six session Behavioural Activation programme could help thalidomide survivors with low mood. This would be accompanied by peer support from trained beneficiaries.

What was found

Although the numbers completing the course were small, all reported positive outcomes in either mood, anxiety, general health or a combination of these points. Supporters also felt a benefit in having taken on the role.

It is noted that a key part to success is catching people at a time when they are experiencing low mood and feel ready to get help.

The recommendation from this programme is that LIfTS support should continue to be provided by the Trust.

Download the final report

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