Trust Case Study Published In BMJ

logo for the British Medical JournalBritish Medical Journal publish a physiotherapy and exercise case study report from the Thalidomide Trust

The Thalidomide Trust are really pleased to have had a case study report published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

The case study is called 'Poor balance, bilateral upper limb phocomelia, no previous exercise: a challenging combination for fall prevention in a middle-aged thalidomide survivor’. It focuses on beneficiary David Lecke and the assessment, treatment and exercise programme he had with specialist physiotherapist Fraser Simpson.

The results of this programme with Fraser made a significant difference to David who had been suffering with severe pain and had balance issues.

David is now fitter and stronger such that he can move more confidently and is able to get out and about enjoying life. He is committed to continuing his exercise programme for himself to minimise pain and maintain his fitness and mobility.

Thanks to Dee, one of our Medical Advisers, for writing this up and to David for taking part.

Watch David and Fraser’s video to find out more.

Read the case study report in the BMJ.