Social Care - Information and Factsheets

As we get older more and more of us need support to go about our daily lives – not just so we can stay in our homes for longer, but also so we can take part in our communities and live our lives to the full. If you have a disability, you may need support with your day to day routine at home, and Local Authorities have a major part to play in providing it through social care.

Find advice and information below on how to get the support you need, what the social care assessment process involves and how social care at home is funded in each country in the UK.

Social care and the assessment process

elderly man greeting a social care worker at his door

Explaining how to get the support you may need at home

Find out more

How social care at home is funded

Coins with a bag of money as a payment

Find out if you are entitled to help with the cost of social care at home

Learn more about financial support


Download our factsheets explaining the full detail of how social care is funded in each country in the UK. Click on the button below that is applicable to you.

How social care at home is funded in England

England Flag

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How social care at home is funded in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Flag

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How social care at home is funded in Scotland

Scotland Flag

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How social care at home is funded in Wales

Wales Flag

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