About the Team & Service
Meet the Finance Team
The Finance Team provide a range of financial support, guidance and information to our beneficiaries.
Finance Director

Suzanne’s team:

How the team can help you
What does the Finance Team do?
The main role of the Finance Team is to provide support, guidance and information to beneficiaries covering a wide range of financial matters including: processing payment requests, setting up payment plans, supporting beneficiaries through the Major and Emergency Advance application process, and providing guidance on financial planning for the future.
With a wide range of practical knowledge, skills and experience within the team, combined with a supportive and solution focused approach, we aim to help you as much as we can with your financial enquiries. If we don’t know the answer to your specific query, we will undertake research on your behalf, or help you find someone who does. The Trust has developed links with a number of external financial organisations that have supported other beneficiaries across a range of financial topics which we can share with you.
What sort of help can I get from the Finance Team?
You can ask the Finance Team for help or support linked to any financial matter that is pertinent to you. The most common areas that we provide support to beneficiaries include:
- Processing requests for account information including balance requests and historical payment information.
- Processing beneficiary payment requests and setting up regular scheduled payment plans (eg: weekly or monthly payments).
- Guidance and support to beneficiaries applying for a Major Advance or Emergency Advance.
- Where to access external lending opportunities, for example mortgages and personal loans.
- Providing information to beneficiaries about future financial planning, such as Making a Will, Lasting Power of Attorney, and Personal Trusts.
- Providing information on VAT exemption for disabled people.
The Finance Team has developed some easy to read ‘factsheet’ style resources to help beneficiaries to improve their understanding of financial topics that they may not be familiar with, for example: Making a Will and Lasting Power of Attorney.
Is there anything the Finance Team doesn't do?
The Finance Team does not provide bespoke financial advice, but they will offer you support and guidance in relation to your Trust finances, and signpost you to external organisations that can provide additional support if it’s appropriate.
Contact the Team
If you require any support regarding financial matters, the Finance Team would love to hear from you. You can get in touch by calling 01480 474074 or by emailing [email protected]
All of your information is confidential at the Trust and the Finance team will only talk to you directly about your money. You can read more about confidentiality in our Confidentiality Factsheet