Ali BorthwickConsent Form - Sharing Your Story

Thank you for offering to share your story with the Thalidomide Trust.

Real stories from people affected by thalidomide can offer an insight into life with thalidomide damage and give courage to others facing similar challenges. We know that reading about other beneficiaries’ experiences really makes a difference to the whole beneficiary group.

These stories are shared publicly on the Thalidomide Trust website and may be referenced in the Thalidomide Trust’s and NAC’s newsletters.

By completing this form, you are giving your permission for the Thalidomide Trust to publish this story on its website which is available to the public.

How we develop your story

If your story is selected for the website we will put you in touch with a copywriter who will talk to you about the story you have agreed to share and will write it up for you. You may have already written something yourself and in this case the copywriter will review that with you.

When you are happy with the story, we will also ask you to provide one or more photos relevant to the story. If your photos feature anyone else, please seek their permission for us to use it before sending it to us. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, we will post a stock image that suits your story.

Photos supplied will appear on the Trust website alongside this story any may be used elsewhere on the website.

Your data & privacy

You can choose to use your full name, your first name or to remain anonymous in the story (write as appropriate below).

Your story and any associated photos will only be used on our public website and in our newsletters (which are emailed only to beneficiaries, Trust staff and trustees). It will not be used for any other purpose without seeking your explicit consent.

Copyright will be the property of the Thalidomide Trust.

For more information about how we use your data please see our Privacy Policy.

I consent to the Thalidomide Trust using my story on their website

    Remain Anonymous?


    Sally Stevens playing the piano