official Stoptober campaign banner for the NHS stop smoking programmeStop Smoking for Stoptober

To help you stop smoking for good this year's NHS Stoptober campaign is designed to encourage and support you to quit in 28 days from 1 October.

The theme is 'When you stop smoking, good things starts to happen'.

It's never too late to stop smoking - your health will improve whatever your age and regardless of how long you've smoked.

Get prepared to quit smoking with our information and signposting.

Benefits of quitting smoking

Smoking remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death in England. When you smoke you put many chemicals into your body, some of which are poisonous.

When you quit, these chemicals are cleared from your body, allowing it to start repairing itself and improving your health.

As well as your physical health, you will also see benefits for your mental wellbeing and for your family and friends.

a healthy tree shown upside down with two main branches with lots of green leaves, shown in the shape of a pair of lungsPhysical health benefits

  • You will be able to breathe more easily and have better lung function
  • More energy
  • Improved blood circulation around the body making physical activity easier
  • Taste and smell senses will improve
  • More oxygen to the skin will improve your appearance
  • Reduced risk of long term smoking-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, stroke
  • Less likely to develop type 2 diabetes


Mental health benefits

Evidence has shown that once someone has gone through the withdrawal stage of quitting smoking, their anxiety, depressions and stress is reduced. Their positive mood is also increased compared to someone who smokes.


Family and friends benefits

If you quit smoking and become healthier you are more likely to be able to support your family and friends now and in the future. It will also have a positive health benefit for them as they will no longer be affected by passive smoking from you.

Set a good example for your children! If you continue to smoke they are 4 times as likely to take up smoking themselves.


How to quit smoking

You can get help and use stop smoking aids to help you quit - you don't have to do it with willpower alone.

Find your local Stop Smoking Service

They will offer free, expert help to support you.

Find a service near you

A nicotine patch, e-cigarette, medicine capsules, pieces of gum in a blister pack - all aids to stop smokingUse a stop smoking aid to support your willpower

You can get advice from a pharmacist, doctor or your stop smoking service on which aid will best help you quit.

There are different types of stop smoking aids that you can use:

  • Nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) including patches, sprays, gum and lozenges
  • Nicotine vapes (e-cigarettes)
  • Prescription-only tablets

Find out more on each type of aid from the NHS Better Health website


Vaping is an effective tool for quitting smoking but it is not completely harmless and therefore not recommended for non-smokers and young people.

Vapes are electronic devices that allow you to inhale nicotine in a vapour instead of smoke. The device heats a liquid (e-liquid) that usually contains propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, flavourings and nicotine.

E-liquids come in different nicotine strengths so that you can gradually reduce your intake to zero. This allows you to manage your cravings and withdrawal symptoms while quitting. You will only get the full benefits of vaping if you stop smoking completely.

You're approximately twice as likely to quit smoking by vaping than when using other aids.

Learn more about vaping


Inspiration and more support to help you give up smoking

Contact the Health & Wellbeing team on 01480 474074 if you would like support, or if you would find it helpful to talk to other beneficiaries who are trying or have already given up smoking.

BSL stop smoking information

NHS Scotland have a BSL video on stopping smoking. Most of the information is relevant to anyone in the UK, but please note there may be some Scotland specific pathways where you will need to find the alternative for the country you are in.

Watch BSL stop smoking video (NHS Scotland)


David finally quit smoking

David with his retriever sitting on a bench

David talks about his many attempts to quit smoking and how he succeeded

Read David’s story

Better Health from the NHS

Blue and white picture of the NHS logo

More information on how to quit smoking from the NHS

Visit Better Health website

Patient Info

Patient Info logo

Further information on why you should quit smoking and the benefits of this

Visit Patient Info website